Time and Money Down the Drain: DIY Projects You'll Want to Avoid
7. The Iron Hot Dog Cooker
Cost Estimate (New): $20–40*
Cost Estimate (DIY): $40*
In the realm of kitchen gadgets, there are countless amazing and bizarre devices, but this one takes the cake—or perhaps the hot dog—for the most unconventional cooking method. Imagine finding yourself in a situation where you don’t have a cooking pan on hand. What do you do?
Have you ever been so desperate to grill some meat that you resorted to using your clothes iron? It sounds outrageous, yet it’s a testament to human ingenuity (or perhaps desperation) in the kitchen. While it may not be the most practical approach, it certainly showcases the lengths some will go to satisfy their culinary cravings.

In this household, the answer to using a clothes iron for cooking was undoubtedly a resounding yes, even though the logical answer would be a firm no. A new pan typically costs between $20 and $40 on sites like Amazon, while a new clothes iron can be around $40. If this clever user could somehow eliminate the lingering pork odor from the iron, they might have saved themselves some money in the long run.
However, despite this inventive approach, we prefer to think of it as an unusual behavior that should remain rare. While we understand the enthusiasm for hot dogs, there’s something unsettling about the entire scenario. After all, is it really worth the risk of ending up with meaty-smelling shirts?