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7. Little Squares of Fabric
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Have you ever noticed a small plastic bag containing a button and a tiny square of matching fabric included with your new shirt or pair of pants? While the purpose of the button is clear—it's a spare in case one falls off—the use of the one-inch fabric square might leave you wondering.
This small piece of fabric is often referred to as a "swatch." Its primary purpose is to provide you with a sample of the material used in your garment. This can be particularly useful for repairs or alterations, allowing you to match the fabric if you need to patch a hole or make adjustments in the future. Having this swatch on hand ensures that any repairs maintain the original look and feel of the garment.

It turns out that the small square of fabric included with your new clothing serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it is designed to test cleaning solutions. By using this fabric swatch, you can ensure that your detergent or stain remover won’t damage the material of your garment before applying it directly.
Secondly, this tiny square can also be used for repairs. If you encounter small holes or tears in your clothing, the fabric swatch can serve as a patch, allowing you to maintain the integrity of the garment while matching the original material.