Red Lightning: 15 Mysterious Phenomena - How Many Have You Seen?
14. Red Sprites with Blue Tops: A Colorful Atmospheric Cocktail
Although most sprites are red, some uncommon events show a clear blue hue at their topmost areas. These "red sprites with blue tops" have a remarkable visual contrast and provide significant hints on the varied composition and electrical characteristics of several layers of the upper atmosphere.
At higher altitudes, where the air is even more rarefied than in the areas where the red emissions occur, the blue colouration is supposed to be caused by the excitation of neutral and ionised molecular nitrogen. Within a single sprite structure, the change in atmospheric conditions reflected in the shift from red to blue as the electrical discharge moves upward.
By use of these multi-colored sprites, scientists can better grasp the intricate interaction between atmospheric composition and electrical discharges at various altitudes. The exact altitude and environment in which the colour transition takes place can offer important information about the top atmospheric structure and characteristics.